Friday, February 11, 2011

Ice Dam Danger

With temperatures warming up just a bit more during the days, those snow covered roofs are beginning to thaw, the snow is melting and making its way down to the gutters.  A big concern with this, is that as the water collects it has the potential to refreeze during the colder nights and cause an ice dam.

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow(water) from draining off the roof.  The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas.  The main culprit of ice dams occurring is when the temperature in your attic is above freezing. When the temperature in your attic is above freezing it causes snow on the roof to melt and run down the sloping roof.  When the snow melt runs down the roof and hits the colder eaves, it refreezes. If this process continues over a few days, the ice dams up, water ponds, and can back up under the roof covering and leak into the attic or exterior walls of the house.  So the real culprit here is heat escaping from the living quarters and entering the cold attic. Some steps that should be taken to ensure you don't encounter ice dams is to check and improve attic ventilation, and improve attic insulation to prevent heat from escaping.  Even if water doesn't seep into the attic, ice dams are still dangerous, as moisture can enter the attic and mold could develop.  If your house has persistent ice dams, it may be time to call a qualified professional to asses the problem.

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